Webpage builders in Bay City

Webpage builders in Bay City Webpage builders in Bay City is a strange title for a blog so I feel I must explain. Someone called our office and was in need of a webpage. They are from Bay City and are in the pest control business. We like to educate our potential clients even if […]
Digital Marketing in 2018

Digital Marketing in 2018 So 2018 is here and so is more digital marketing. The day of the phone book is almost gone so fix those wobbly tables and find something else to put in the bottom of the parakeet cage. If you don’t start to put time and money into digital marketing soon your […]
By Your Demand

By Your Demand A NEW CLIENT By Your Demand is a new client we are working with. We are the #1 Web Designer in Michigan, but this client is from Kansas! This is certainly not the first out of state client we’ve had. We are big on Michigan, but anyone is this Great United States […]
Precision Tork

Precision Tork Website redesign Another great website joins the pages of the Internet. Check it out by clicking here. We were contracted to take photos of their product lin and re-design a website that exceeds their competition. Precison Tork specializes in parts for machines that tighten caps to very specifics torques. There are in a variety […]
Photography is Important

Photography is Important Photography is important in both literature and web design. The cooler something looks, the more people will look at it. That is just a basic part of our creation. We have wired into our DNA an innate ability to appreciate beauty. Different people view things differently and some people have a more […]
Original Custom Designs

Original Custom Designs A lady came to our office with an idea. She had a passion to follow the American Dream of free enterprise. Because of this dream, a new business may form in the near future. It looks like it’s going to be a business that sells amazing looking t-shirts. It all starts with […]
Union Court Assisted Living
Union Court Assisted Living Website Redesign Union Court Assisted Living is one of our newer clients. They contacted us for a website redesign. One of my immediate thoughts was our Logo Design services. As you can see, their existing logo was OK. It represented them well for about ten years. But, if we were going to […]
Busy Enough?

Busy Enough? Business growth As we answer the phone and talk to new clients we hear a message that is really quite disturbing. We want to grow their business, but they are busy enough. People call us for a new website, but they completely ignore the fact that the Internet is the single best place […]
Relationships in Business

Relationships in Business Call me old fashioned, but I miss the days when people bought a product or service because someone they love and/or respect said good things about that product or service. I don’t like to read pages and pages of websites before I try something new. I talk to people. Besides, humanity has […]
Why Is Responsive Design So Boring?

Why Is Responsive Design So Boring?