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Voted #1 Web Design Company | In Michigan Creating Designs No Others Can!


Voted #1 Web Design Company In Michigan Creating Designs No Others Can!

Michigan Businesses


Michigan Businesses in the Spring can be challenging for sure. The Spring Rush is a strange business phenomenon that happens to this web design company in Michigan.  Each year without fail we get extremely busy in the spring. There is something about the sun warming things up at the end of a long Michigan winter.  That something inspires people to do their best and really focus on building their businesses. The Spring Rush has been accelerated and strengthened these last two years with the surge in our great American economy.  

We have been so busy putting new jobs in the queue that we haven’t had time to blog.  Fortunately our amazing process has proven over the years that it can handle the load. We’d like to take this quick opportunity to thank our hundreds of existing web design and marketing clients for the many many referrals and for making us an organic juggernaut on Google for terms like web design Michigan and website design companies in Michigan.

What do you do in the summer?

Well we know what we’ll be doing. Many websites and Internet marketing packages for Michigan businesses will be taking a lot of our time. You’ll be planning a pheasant hunt in many of Michigan’s wonderful habitats or perhaps working hard on your own business. Either way summers are short and we Michiganders love to make the best of them.  We like to encourage our clients to spend time with the ones you love.  At Digital Designs we truly love our work, but relationships with family and friends are very special.  Please treasure them.

Clients are people too

In a way, people from Michigan are our families too. In fact, many of our clients have become very special to us over the decades.  Relationships are of utmost priority to us.  Yes, we want to know how your kid is doing in T-ball.  Of course you can tell us about the auto accident your sister got into.  Yes we’ll come to your wedding.  Now of course we don’t do this for all of our clients, just the ones who are serious about life and business. Our website and design portfolios prove our work is the highest quality website design in Michigan.  But, we must work hard and earn the respect and trust of as many clients as we can.  Relationships are special to us and we love what we do.

Thanks for reading.  Feel free to contact us so that we can help you enjoy Michigan’s short yet beautiful summers.

Want The Best



Digital Designs knows that if you give us a chance to help your business, you will not regret it. We have proven for almost 15 years that we are the best web design company in Michigan and create graphic design and marketing solutions that truly get RESULTS!